Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Project has begun!

I know we are starting a little later than planned but we officially had people on site on Monday October 25, 2010 and today, the 28th, they began to dig! Look at the slideshow pictures of the recent activities this week!

Keep those fingers crossed that snow and freezing temperatures stay away for a little while longer! And, remember, now that it has begun, it is a hard hat area and only limited people are allowed in, not patrons or staff. The Library Manager has been given clearance and can take pictures etc. so follow our virtual tour here as we unveil the work and the new building erection!

We are hoping completion will be early March 2011....

How exciting for our library and community! :-)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Demo is done and the project should begin soon!

I hope you have been following the slide show to the right! Lots of pictures of the demo have been added!

Soon, the project should begin and we are very excited! No one is allowed to park or turn around in the library driveway now as there are lots of nails and other debris there.

Thank you all for bearing with us during the demo phase!!!